How to make WordPress plugins with the help of ChatGpt?

Developing WordPress plugins can seem daunting, especially for those without a strong background in coding. However, with the help of advanced language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the process can be made significantly more accessible. ChatGPT, based on the powerful GPT-4 architecture, is capable of generating human-like text and can provide guidance on a wide range of topics, including WordPress plugin development.

By asking the right questions, users can walk through each stage of plugin development with ChatGPT. This includes setting up the plugin structure, writing functions, interacting with WordPress hooks and APIs, managing data, and more. This interactive learning experience empowers anyone to create their own customized plugins, extending the functionality of their WordPress sites. Through this method, we’ve demonstrated the creation of a tax calculator plugin, offering an insightful example of what’s achievable with WordPress and ChatGPT.

Steps we’ve taken to create a tax calculator plugin for WordPress using GPT-4:

  1. Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development: We started by introducing the basics of WordPress plugin development. A plugin is essentially a PHP file with a header comment that tells WordPress it’s a plugin, and it can include any PHP functions, HTML, or anything else you might want to use.
Prompt: "how can i build a wordpress plugin?"

ChatGpt: Building a WordPress plugin involves several steps. To simplify the process, I will provide a basic guide for creating a simple WordPress plugin.

Step 1: Set up your local development environment

Before you start building your plugin, you need a development environment. If you already have a WordPress website, you can use it. Otherwise, you can use a local environment like XAMPP, MAMP or Local by Flywheel, where you install WordPress on your computer.

Step 2: Create a plugin folder and file

Create a new folder in the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation. The name of the folder should be related to your plugin, usually in lowercase and without spaces. In this folder, create a new PHP file with the same name as the folder.

For instance, if you're making a plugin called 'myplugin', create a folder named 'myplugin' and inside that folder, create a PHP file named 'myplugin.php'.

Step 3: Add plugin details

In your PHP file, start with a comment block that WordPress reads to learn about your plugin:

Copy code
Plugin Name: MyPlugin
Plugin URI:
Description: This is a brief description of my plugin.
Version: 1.0
Author: Your Name
Author URI:
License: GPL2
Step 4: Add functionality

Now, you can start coding your plugin. For instance, let's say we want to make a simple plugin that adds a footer message to our website:

Copy code
function myplugin_footer_message() {
    echo '<p>This is my footer message.</p>';

add_action('wp_footer', 'myplugin_footer_message');
In this example, we're creating a function myplugin_footer_message() that outputs a paragraph. We then hook this function to wp_footer action, which is a WordPress hook that allows us to inject our code into the footer of the website.

Step 5: Activate your plugin

You can now go to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the 'Plugins' page, and you should see your plugin listed there. Click 'Activate' to enable your plugin. Now, the message will be added to the footer of your WordPress site.

Keep in mind, this is a very simple example. In practice, WordPress plugins can get quite complex, and you may have to use more advanced programming concepts like classes and APIs, handle data from the database, add settings pages, etc. It's also essential to follow best practices for coding and security when developing your plugins, to ensure they are safe and efficient.

If you plan to distribute your plugin to other WordPress users, you should also familiarize yourself with the WordPress plugin guidelines:
    1. Creating a Basic Plugin: We created a basic plugin with just a header comment and a function that is hooked to a WordPress shortcode. This function displays a simple form with two inputs (salary and region) and a submit button. The plugin can be used by placing the shortcode in a post or page.
    Prompt: "how can i make a wordpress plugin which can help others calculate there tax from there salary?"
    ChatGpt: Creating a WordPress plugin for tax calculation involves a bit more complexity. Here is a basic guide to get you started.
    Step 1: Set up your local development environment
    The same as mentioned in the previous explanation.
    Step 2: Create a plugin folder and file
    You may name it as 'taxcalculator' and create a 'taxcalculator.php' file inside it.
    Step 3: Add plugin details
    You can add the details similar to this:
    Copy code
    Plugin Name: Tax Calculator
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps to calculate tax from salary.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    Step 4: Add functionality
    We'll need a form for the user to input their salary, and we'll need to handle that input, perform the tax calculation, and then display the result.
    Add the following code to your PHP file:
    Copy code
    function taxcalculator_form() {
        $output = '<form action="' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . '" method="post">';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Salary: <br/>';
        $output .= '<input type="number" name="salary" value="' . ( isset( $_POST["salary"] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST["salary"] ) : '' ) . '" />';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p><input type="submit" name="taxcalc_submitted" value="Calculate"></p>';
        $output .= '</form>';
        // Check if the form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
            $salary = $_POST['salary'];
            $tax = calculate_tax( $salary );
            $output .= '<p>Your calculated tax is: ' . $tax . '</p>';
        return $output;
    function calculate_tax( $salary ) {
        // Calculate tax based on your country's tax rules
        $tax = $salary * 0.10; // Let's assume a simple flat 10% tax rate for this example
        return $tax;
    add_shortcode( 'tax_calculator', 'taxcalculator_form' );
    In this example, we are creating a form for the user to input their salary. When the form is submitted, it calculates the tax (using a dummy 10% tax rate, replace this with your actual tax calculation logic) and displays the result. We also use WordPress' Shortcode API so that you can easily insert this form anywhere on your site by using the [tax_calculator] shortcode.
    Step 5: Activate your plugin
    Once you're done writing the code, activate your plugin in the WordPress admin panel. Now you can add your tax calculator to any post or page by including the [tax_calculator] shortcode.
    Again, remember this is a basic example and doesn't include any validation, error checking, or complex tax logic. Depending on the tax laws in your country, the actual tax calculation could be much more complex. You may also want to include more fields in the form, like filing status or deductions, and you'll definitely want to add some error checking to ensure the user has entered a valid salary.

    Your Salary:

    1. Adding Tax Calculation Functionality: We then added functionality to the form so that when the user submits it, the input data is used to calculate the tax based on the provided salary and region. Different tax calculation functions were added for England and Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, based on the tax brackets for each region.
    Promot:"can you implement united kingdom tax regulation in the above code"
    ChatGpt:Sure, let's implement the UK tax bands for the tax year 2022/23. Please note that tax laws change regularly, so you should always check for the most recent tax laws or consult with a tax expert when implementing tax calculations.
    Here's the basic income tax rates in the UK for the tax year 2022/23:
    Personal Allowance: £12,570 - This is the amount of income you don't have to pay tax on.
    Basic rate: 20% on income between £12,571 and £50,270.
    Higher rate: 40% on income between £50,271 and £150,000.
    Additional rate: 45% on income over £150,000.
    Now, let's implement this in the plugin:
    Copy code
    function calculate_tax( $salary ) {
        $tax = 0;
        // Define tax thresholds
        $personal_allowance = 12570;
        $basic_rate_upper = 50270;
        $higher_rate_upper = 150000;
        if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
            $tax = 0;
        } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
        } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40;
        } else {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper) * 0.45;
        return $tax;
    This code calculates the tax owed based on the UK tax bands. If the salary is under the personal allowance, no tax is owed. If it's under the basic rate threshold, 20% tax is charged on the amount over the personal allowance. If it's under the higher rate threshold, 20% tax is charged on income up to the basic rate threshold, and 40% tax is charged on the rest. If it's over the higher rate threshold, 20% tax is charged up to the basic rate threshold, 40% tax up to the higher rate threshold, and 45% tax on the rest.
    Please note this is a simplified model. It does not consider the reduction in Personal Allowance for those earning over £100,000, does not include National Insurance contributions, and does not handle any special tax circumstances. Always consult with a tax professional for accurate calculations.

    Your Salary:

    1. Creating an Output Table: We created a table to display the results, including the total salary, tax, National Insurance, and net income, both yearly and monthly.
    Prompt:"make the output as a table which shows total salary i'll get , total tax deduction , my monthly salary and my monthly tax deduction"
    ChatGpt: Sure, we can add those features by modifying the output in the taxcalculator_form() function and adding some additional calculations. Here's the updated code:
    Copy code
    Plugin Name: Tax Calculator
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps to calculate tax from salary according to UK tax rates.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    function taxcalculator_form() {
        $output = '<form action="' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . '" method="post">';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Annual Salary: <br/>';
        $output .= '<input type="number" name="salary" value="' . ( isset( $_POST["salary"] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST["salary"] ) : '' ) . '" />';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p><input type="submit" name="taxcalc_submitted" value="Calculate"></p>';
        $output .= '</form>';
        // Check if the form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
            $salary = $_POST['salary'];
            $tax = calculate_tax( $salary );
            $after_tax_salary = $salary - $tax;
            $monthly_salary = $after_tax_salary / 12;
            $monthly_tax = $tax / 12;
            $output .= '<table>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Salary</th><td>' . $salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Salary After Tax</th><td>' . $after_tax_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Salary</th><td>' . $monthly_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        return $output;
    function calculate_tax( $salary ) {
        $tax = 0;
        // Define tax thresholds
        $personal_allowance = 12570;
        $basic_rate_upper = 50270;
        $higher_rate_upper = 150000;
        if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
            $tax = 0;
        } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
        } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40;
        } else {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper) * 0.45;
        return $tax;
    add_shortcode( 'tax_calculator', 'taxcalculator_form' );
    This code now displays a table with the total salary, total tax deduction, salary after tax, monthly salary, and monthly tax deduction.

    Your Annual Salary:

    1. Calculating National Insurance: An additional function was added to calculate the National Insurance contribution based on salary.
    prompt:"can aslo tell how much NI ( national insurance ) will be deducted"
    ChatGpt: Certainly, let's add National Insurance (NI) calculations into the mix. As of my last update in September 2021, the National Insurance rates in the UK were as follows for employees:
    12% on weekly earnings between £184 and £967
    2% on weekly earnings above £967
    Now, for simplicity, we'll make an assumption that a month consists of 4 weeks, which gives us monthly thresholds of £736 and £3868.
    Please note that the rates and thresholds might have changed after my last update, so please verify the current rates and adjust the code accordingly.
    Here's how you can add NI calculations to your plugin:
    Copy code
    function calculate_NI( $salary ) {
        $monthly_salary = $salary / 12;
        $NI = 0;
        // Define NI thresholds
        $lower_limit = 736;
        $upper_limit = 3868;
        if ($monthly_salary <= $lower_limit) {
            $NI = 0;
        } else if ($monthly_salary <= $upper_limit) {
            $NI = ($monthly_salary - $lower_limit) * 0.12;
        } else {
            $NI = ($upper_limit - $lower_limit) * 0.12 + ($monthly_salary - $upper_limit) * 0.02;
        return $NI * 12;  // Return annual NI
    // In your form submission handling:
    if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
        $salary = $_POST['salary'];
        $tax = calculate_tax( $salary );
        $NI = calculate_NI( $salary );
        $after_tax_salary = $salary - $tax - $NI;
        $monthly_salary = $after_tax_salary / 12;
        $monthly_tax = $tax / 12;
        $monthly_NI = $NI / 12;
        $output .= '<table>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Total Salary</th><td>' . $salary . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Total Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $tax . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Total NI Deduction</th><td>' . $NI . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Salary After Tax and NI</th><td>' . $after_tax_salary . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Salary</th><td>' . $monthly_salary . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_tax . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly NI Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_NI . '</td></tr>';
        $output .= '</table>';
    The calculate_NI($salary) function is defined to calculate the annual National Insurance based on the input salary. Then, in the form submission handling, we calculate the NI, subtract it along with the tax from the salary, and add NI lines to the output table.
    prompt:where should i add this
    ChatGPT:You need to add the calculate_NI($salary) function to your existing code and then update the taxcalculator_form() function accordingly. Here's how your final plugin file would look:
    Copy code
    Plugin Name: Tax Calculator
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps to calculate tax and National Insurance from salary according to UK tax rates.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    function taxcalculator_form() {
        $output = '<form action="' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . '" method="post">';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Annual Salary: <br/>';
        $output .= '<input type="number" name="salary" value="' . ( isset( $_POST["salary"] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST["salary"] ) : '' ) . '" />';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p><input type="submit" name="taxcalc_submitted" value="Calculate"></p>';
        $output .= '</form>';
        // Check if the form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
            $salary = $_POST['salary'];
            $tax = calculate_tax( $salary );
            $NI = calculate_NI( $salary );
            $after_tax_salary = $salary - $tax - $NI;
            $monthly_salary = $after_tax_salary / 12;
            $monthly_tax = $tax / 12;
            $monthly_NI = $NI / 12;
            $output .= '<table>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Salary</th><td>' . $salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total NI Deduction</th><td>' . $NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Salary After Tax and NI</th><td>' . $after_tax_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Salary</th><td>' . $monthly_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly NI Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        return $output;
    function calculate_tax( $salary ) {
        $tax = 0;
        // Define tax thresholds
        $personal_allowance = 12570;
        $basic_rate_upper = 50270;
        $higher_rate_upper = 150000;
        if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
            $tax = 0;
        } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
        } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40;
        } else {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper) *
    why the above command  not completed
    Apologies for the cut-off in the previous message. Here is the complete code:
    Copy code
    Plugin Name: Tax Calculator
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps to calculate tax and National Insurance from salary according to UK tax rates.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    function taxcalculator_form() {
        $output = '<form action="' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . '" method="post">';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Annual Salary: <br/>';
        $output .= '<input type="number" name="salary" value="' . ( isset( $_POST["salary"] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST["salary"] ) : '' ) . '" />';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p><input type="submit" name="taxcalc_submitted" value="Calculate"></p>';
        $output .= '</form>';
        // Check if the form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
            $salary = $_POST['salary'];
            $tax = calculate_tax( $salary );
            $NI = calculate_NI( $salary );
            $after_tax_salary = $salary - $tax - $NI;
            $monthly_salary = $after_tax_salary / 12;
            $monthly_tax = $tax / 12;
            $monthly_NI = $NI / 12;
            $output .= '<table>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Salary</th><td>' . $salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total NI Deduction</th><td>' . $NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Salary After Tax and NI</th><td>' . $after_tax_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Salary</th><td>' . $monthly_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly NI Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        return $output;
    function calculate_tax( $salary ) {
        $tax = 0;
        // Define tax thresholds
        $personal_allowance = 12570;
        $basic_rate_upper = 50270;
        $higher_rate_upper = 150000;
        if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
            $tax = 0;
        } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
        } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper) {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40;
        } else {
            $tax = ($basic_rate_upper - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper - $basic_rate_upper) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper) * 0.45;
        return $tax;
    function calculate_NI( $salary ) {
    prompt: "can you continue from where you have ended"
    ChatGPT: My apologies for the cut-off. The remaining part of the code is below:
    Copy code
    function calculate_NI( $salary ) {
        $monthly_salary = $salary / 12;
        $NI = 0;
        // Define NI thresholds
        $lower_limit = 736;
        $upper_limit = 3868;
        if ($monthly_salary <= $lower_limit) {
            $NI = 0;
        } else if ($monthly_salary <= $upper_limit) {
            $NI = ($monthly_salary - $lower_limit) * 0.12;
        } else {
            $NI = ($upper_limit - $lower_limit) * 0.12 + ($monthly_salary - $upper_limit) * 0.02;
        return $NI * 12;  // Return annual NI
    add_shortcode( 'tax_calculator', 'taxcalculator_form' );
    This code completes the calculate_NI() function. It calculates the monthly salary, then checks which bracket the salary falls into for National Insurance contributions. After calculating the monthly NI, it returns the annual amount. The add_shortcode( 'tax_calculator', 'taxcalculator_form' ); line allows you to use [tax_calculator] in your WordPress posts to display the tax calculator form.
    ni data and results doesn’t  seems fine please check
    I apologize for the confusion. In the United Kingdom, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the National Insurance contributions for an employee are calculated based on weekly pay periods, not monthly ones. However, as we are dealing with annual salaries in our plugin, we'll need to make some adjustments.
    Here's the updated NI calculations:
    Copy code
    function calculate_NI($salary) {
        $weekly_salary = $salary / 52;  // Convert annual salary to weekly
        $NI = 0;
        // Define NI thresholds
        $lower_limit = 184;
        $upper_limit = 967;
        if ($weekly_salary <= $lower_limit) {
            $NI = 0;
        } else if ($weekly_salary <= $upper_limit) {
            $NI = ($weekly_salary - $lower_limit) * 0.12;
        } else {
            $NI = ($upper_limit - $lower_limit) * 0.12 + ($weekly_salary - $upper_limit) * 0.02;
        return $NI * 52;  // Return annual NI
    This code converts the annual salary to a weekly salary first, then calculates the National Insurance contribution based on the weekly thresholds.
    Note: National Insurance contributions could change, so it's important to keep the thresholds updated with the latest information from the UK government.
    If you were referring to a different problem with the National Insurance calculations, please provide additional details and I'd be happy to help further!
    1. Updating the Plugin with New Tax Regulations: Finally, we updated the tax calculations with the tax regulations for 2023 to 2024, including different tax brackets for England and Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. A dropdown was added to the form to allow the user to select their region.
    Prompt: Please  add a switch which can help user to select the country in united kingdom and tax for the following are
    1. England and Northern Ireland tax regulations
    The standard employee personal allowance for the 2023 to 2024 tax year is:
    £242 per week
    £1,048 per month
    £12,570 per year
    PAYE tax rate	Rate of tax	Annual earnings the rate applies to (above the PAYE threshold)
    Basic tax rate	20%	Up to £37,700
    Higher tax rate	40%	From £37,701 to £125,140
    Additional tax rate	45%	Above £125,140
    2. Scotland tax regulations 
    The standard employee personal allowance for the 2023 to 2024 tax year is:
    £242 per week
    £1,048 per month
    £12,570 per year
    PAYE tax rate	Rate of tax	Annual earnings the rate applies to (above the PAYE threshold)
    Starter tax rate	19%	Up to £2,162
    Basic tax rate	20%	From £2,163 to £13,118
    Intermediate tax rate	21%	From £13,119 to £31,092
    Higher tax rate	42%	From £31,093 to £125,140
    Top tax rate	47%	Above £125,140
    3. Wales
    The standard employee personal allowance for the 2023 to 2024 tax year is:
    £242 per week
    £1,048 per month
    £12,570 per year
    PAYE tax rate	Rate of tax	Annual earnings the rate applies to (above the PAYE threshold)
    Basic tax rate	20%	Up to £37,700
    Higher tax rate	40%	From £37,701 to £125,140
    Additional tax rate	45%	Above £125,140
    ChatGpt:To achieve this, we will add a dropdown in the form for users to select their region. We will then modify the calculate_tax() function to calculate the tax based on the selected region's tax regulations. Here's how to do it:
    Copy code
    Plugin Name: Tax Calculator
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This plugin helps to calculate tax and National Insurance from salary according to UK tax rates.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Your Name
    Author URI:
    License: GPL2
    function taxcalculator_form() {
        $output = '<form action="' . esc_url( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) . '" method="post">';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Annual Salary: <br/>';
        $output .= '<input type="number" name="salary" value="' . ( isset( $_POST["salary"] ) ? esc_attr( $_POST["salary"] ) : '' ) . '" />';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p>';
        $output .= 'Your Region: <br/>';
        $output .= '<select name="region">';
        $output .= '<option value="england">England and Northern Ireland</option>';
        $output .= '<option value="scotland">Scotland</option>';
        $output .= '<option value="wales">Wales</option>';
        $output .= '</select>';
        $output .= '</p>';
        $output .= '<p><input type="submit" name="taxcalc_submitted" value="Calculate"></p>';
        $output .= '</form>';
        // Check if the form is submitted
        if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
            $salary = $_POST['salary'];
            $region = $_POST['region'];
            $tax = calculate_tax( $salary, $region );
            $NI = calculate_NI( $salary );
            $after_tax_salary = $salary - $tax - $NI;
            $monthly_salary = $after_tax_salary / 12;
            $monthly_tax = $tax / 12;
            $monthly_NI = $NI / 12;
            $output .= '<table>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Salary</th><td>' . $salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Total NI Deduction</th><td>' . $NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Salary After Tax and NI</th><td>' . $after_tax_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Salary</th><td>' . $monthly_salary . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly Tax Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_tax . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '<tr><th>Monthly NI Deduction</th><td>' . $monthly_NI . '</td></tr>';
            $output .= '</table>';
        return $output;
    function calculate_tax( $salary, $region ) {
        $tax = 0;
        $personal_allowance = 12570;
        // England and Northern Ireland tax thresholds
        $basic_rate_upper_england = 37700;
        $higher_rate_upper_england = 125140;
        // Scotland tax thresholds
        $starter_rate_upper_scotland = 2162;
    Please  complete from where you have ended
    I apologize for the cutoff. The completion of the code for tax calculation for different regions in the UK would look something like this:
    Copy code
        // Scotland tax thresholds
        $starter_rate_upper_scotland = 2162;
        $basic_rate_upper_scotland = 13118;
        $intermediate_rate_upper_scotland = 31092;
        $higher_rate_upper_scotland = 125140;
        // Wales tax thresholds
        $basic_rate_upper_wales = 37700;
        $higher_rate_upper_wales = 125140;
        switch($region) {
            case 'england':
                if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
                    $tax = 0;
                } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper_england) {
                    $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
                } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper_england) {
                    $tax = ($basic_rate_upper_england - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper_england) * 0.40;
                } else {
                    $tax = ($basic_rate_upper_england - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper_england - $basic_rate_upper_england) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper_england) * 0.45;
            case 'scotland':
                if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
                    $tax = 0;
                } else if ($salary <= $starter_rate_upper_scotland) {
                    $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.19;
                } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper_scotland) {
                    $tax = ($starter_rate_upper_scotland - $personal_allowance) * 0.19 + ($salary - $starter_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.20;
                } else if ($salary <= $intermediate_rate_upper_scotland) {
                    $tax = ($starter_rate_upper_scotland - $personal_allowance) * 0.19 + ($basic_rate_upper_scotland - $starter_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.21;
                } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper_scotland) {
                    $tax = ($starter_rate_upper_scotland - $personal_allowance) * 0.19 + ($basic_rate_upper_scotland - $starter_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.20 + ($intermediate_rate_upper_scotland - $basic_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.21 + ($salary - $intermediate_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.42;
                } else {
                    $tax = ($starter_rate_upper_scotland - $personal_allowance) * 0.19 + ($basic_rate_upper_scotland - $starter_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.20 + ($intermediate_rate_upper_scotland - $basic_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.21 + ($higher_rate_upper_scotland - $intermediate_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.42 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper_scotland) * 0.47;
            case 'wales':
                if ($salary <= $personal_allowance) {
                    $tax = 0;
                } else if ($salary <= $basic_rate_upper_wales) {
                    $tax = ($salary - $personal_allowance) * 0.20;
                } else if ($salary <= $higher_rate_upper_wales) {
                    $tax = ($basic_rate_upper_wales - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($salary - $basic_rate_upper_wales) * 0.40;
                } else {
                    $tax = ($basic_rate_upper_wales - $personal_allowance) * 0.20 + ($higher_rate_upper_wales - $basic_rate_upper_wales) * 0.40 + ($salary - $higher_rate_upper_wales) * 0.45;
        return $tax;
    add_shortcode( 'tax_calculator', 'taxcalculator_form' );
    This script includes an adjustment of the calculate_tax() function to consider the region selected by the user and applies tax calculations according to the rates you provided. Please note that tax regulations can change over time, so it's important to keep the plugin updated.
    1. Debugging and Finalizing: The code was reviewed, debugged, and finalized. The final plugin is a form that allows users to enter their salary and region, calculates the tax and National Insurance contributions based on those inputs, and displays the results in a table.
    Prompt: we got an error
    Warning: Undefined array key "region" in /home/u736208078/domains/ on line 32
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function calculate_NI() in /home/u736208078/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/u736208078/domains/ taxcalculator_form() #1 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #2 /home/u736208078/domains/ preg_replace_callback() #3 /home/u736208078/domains/ do_shortcode() #4 /home/u736208078/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #5 /home/u736208078/domains/ apply_filters() #6 /home/u736208078/domains/ the_content() #7 /home/u736208078/domains/ require('/home/u73620807...') #8 /home/u736208078/domains/ load_template() #9 /home/u736208078/domains/ locate_template() #10 /home/u736208078/domains/ get_template_part() #11 /home/u736208078/domains/ include('/home/u73620807...') #12 /home/u736208078/domains/ require_once('/home/u73620807...') #13 /home/u736208078/domains/ require('/home/u73620807...') #14 {main} thrown in /home/u736208078/domains/ on line 34
    ChatGPT:Apologies for the oversight. The error states that there's a call to an undefined function calculate_NI(). It seems that the calculate_NI() function is missing from your script. Here is the National Insurance (NI) calculation function:
    Copy code
    function calculate_NI($salary) {
    $weekly_salary = $salary / 52; // Convert annual salary to weekly
    $NI = 0;
    // Define NI thresholds
    $lower_limit = 184;
    $upper_limit = 967;
    if ($weekly_salary <= $lower_limit) {
    $NI = 0;
    } else if ($weekly_salary <= $upper_limit) {
    $NI = ($weekly_salary - $lower_limit) * 0.12;
    } else {
    $NI = ($upper_limit - $lower_limit) * 0.12 + ($weekly_salary - $upper_limit) * 0.02;
    return $NI * 52; // Return annual NI
    You should add this function to your PHP file before the line where calculate_NI() is called.
    As for the "undefined array key 'region'" warning, it appears because the 'region' key in the $_POST array doesn't exist when the form hasn't been submitted yet.
    You can solve this issue by checking if the form has been submitted before trying to access 'region' and 'salary' in the $_POST array. Here's how you can do it:
    Copy code
    if ( isset( $_POST['taxcalc_submitted'] ) && $_POST['salary'] != '' ) {
    $salary = $_POST['salary'];
    $region = $_POST['region'];
    Ensure that you make these adjustments in your plugin file and the error should be resolved.

    Final Plugin

    Throughout the process, GPT-4 was used to generate and explain the code. It provided a step-by-step walkthrough of the creation of a WordPress plugin, demonstrating how to define functions, use WordPress hooks and shortcodes, handle form submissions, perform calculations, and output HTML.

    This example serves as a tutorial on how to create a basic but functional WordPress plugin. It can be customized and expanded to suit any specific needs, making it a great starting point for anyone looking to get into WordPress plugin development.

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